Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Week One to do List, from ww

1.  I didn't take a before photo my first time on weight watchers, but I did this second time around.  One of my best friends who lost 50 lbs on ww kept her's in her tracker (she went to meetings rather than tracking just online) and would look at it each week.  It reminded her of how far she has come, and to continue to make healthy choices.

2.  Tracking...the key to success

3.  Best Weigh-In Strategy for you (if you do ww on your own - just using etools, I highly recommend weighing in first thing in the morning before you eat or drink)

4.  Build your favorites - what are you favorite healthy dishes or food items that you are already used to and can incorporate more?  My go to's are grapes (0pp), popcorn (2 or 3pp), pineapple (0pp), Nutrigrain low fat Eggo waffles (4pp for 2), 98% fat free deli turkey (1pp for 2 slices), weight watchers string cheese (1pp), and chobani yogurt (4pp).

5.  Clean out your tempting trigger foods.  I no longer have oreos or candy in my house because if it were there, I would eat it.  Or, if it is home, I figure out the proper portion size, and put them into single serving ziplock bags.  I take a sharpie marker to all of the items entering my house and write it's proper points plus value on the packaging for it's serving size.  It's a little work in the beginning, but then I have everything with it's proper value when I need it.

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