Sunday, May 15, 2011

away from home for a 1

For a week I will be in someone else's home with a kitchen stocked with goodies, candies, crackers, and other tempting items.

In my house, there are no Oreos, Kraft Macaroni, or Swedish Fish causing me to derail.  Incredibly stressed because I can not control my environment, I decided to take a first day food shopping trip. My goal right now is to make it through the day, and breakfast tomorrow morning, and upcoming snack attacks.

I went to Trader Joes, and picked up the following:

Red & Green Grapes
a Pineapple
Snow Peas
40 calorie unsweetened Almond Milk

While driving I stopped at Chipotle, and ate a burrito bowl for 16 Points Plus.  Their nutrition information is accessible online, and really helped me plan.  I didn't mind spending so many points on this trip because I knew it would keep me full all day until dinner.

Here's what I choose for my burrito bowl:
Cilantro Lime Rice
Black Beans (one more points plus than refried, but healthier in the long run)
Tomato Salsa
Hot Salsa
a very little bit of cheese

I've tried their salad before, but really dislike their dressing.  Plus, I read that it has 260 calories and 25 grams of fat! Yuck!  I prefer the salsas much more.

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