Wednesday, May 18, 2011

tracking simply

Our lives are busy and chaotic, and sometimes in life we need shortcuts.

When we track, we can easily have shortcuts...
ie - instead of writing "veggie delight sandwich from subway" in our tracker, I just write "vegsub."  Also, new online/mobile users should be sure to use the quick add function on your online mobile tracker - you will no longer have to worry about looking everything up.  This should only be used if you already know your food's point plus value.

In the beginning, you will want to write down every item you eat.  For example yesterday I went to Joe's American Grille, and had a salad and a cup of minestrone soup.

I eyeballed the soup and said 5 pp, and then tracked all of the items in my salad that had points plus values - chicken 5pp
- feta 3 pp
- dressing 2pp
- dried cranberries 1 pp

Next time I go to Joe's, and if I get the same salad, I'll just write "Joe's, 16pp"

Simplify your tracking.

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