Friday, June 10, 2011

being honest

I had a really fun weekend, at a lake house in Maryland, with 8 other lovely ladies.  We sat around a pool, went kayaking, laughed a lot, and ate a lot as well.  I was very nervous, because I had no control over the menu or food options.  We were out in the sticks, so I couldn't politely ask to take a trip to the market to pick up ww friendly foods, and I flew down, so I couldn't pack anything.

In addition to not having my failproof food options nearby, the lovely hosts also brought incredible amounts of brie. One of my (many) trigger foods.  If it is near me, I eat it....all.

I ate a fair amount, and was about to be upset with myself when I noticed a few kayaks nearby.  Having kayaked quite often in my life, I felt very comfortable teaching a few of my friends how to paddle, and led them on a two hour long excursion in the bay.  It was beautiful, I got a little activity in, and best of all, I was out of reach from the brie!

I came home this weekend, having not tracked a single thing, and was very upset with myself.  Yes, my new miraclesuit looked awesome, but I shouldn't have to worry about purchasing miraclesuits.  I need to be honest with myself and my tracking.  If I did that, religiously, even when I was on vacation, I might be able to squeeze back into one of my 10 less covering suits.

So I went online, filled in as much as I could about this weekend, which used up all of my weekly allowance points, and even pushed me into the red. -11...and this was just the beginning of my new week.

However, I didn't beat myself up.  Instead, I was proud of myself for being HONEST.  I ate, and I ate a lot...and it wasn't fruit or healthy options.  But because I was honest, I knew how to best tackle the rest of this week.  First off, I needed to stick to my daily points plus target, because I did not have any more weekly allowance points to spare.  Second, I need to get my butt moving, to earn activity points.

Today is Friday, which means I have one more day of my week, and my ww online is now showing -3.  I spent more time walking, dancing, and even signed up at a local gym that has an indoor and outdoor swimming pool.  I know that I will be able to do at least 3 activity points between today and tomorrow.

Being honest made me motivated this week.  If I hadn't have come back and tracked my weekend splurge, I probably wouldn't have moved as much as I have.  I surely wouldn't have found my new gym (which I'm so excited about!!) and renewed my love for the non-sweat activity...swimming!

Be honest, track, don't beat yourself up.  Each day is a new day :)

What struggles do you have with being honest?

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